A paper about Déjà Vu will appear on Onward! 2019. Santiago will present Déjà Vu at SPLASH 2019 in Greece.
Daniel's CACM article about Alloy is now available. There's also a video showing Alloy in action.
Daniel received the 2017 SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award which was presented at ICSE'17 in Buenos Aires where he gave a keynote. The citation for the award...
Daniel received the Arthur C. Smith Award, in honor of Art Smith, former dean at MIT and graduate and undergraduate officer in EECS.
Eunsuk invited to write a blog post about his thesis work for IEEE Software
Daniel ran a three-day workshop on security-by-design during IAP with Nickolai Zeldovich
for 30 Accenture software architects from around the world
Daniel gave distinguished lectures at UIUC and UMass Amherst (Nov 2016)
Daniel gave an award keynote at FSE in Seattle with Mandana Vaziri, following their...
Recent SDG alum Eunsuk Kang won an ACM Distinguished Paper Award for a paper on design-level security analysis based on his thesis work
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