
Mon, 11/06/2023

Daniel will deliver the opening keynote at ER23, the 42nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling.

Mon, 08/21/2023

Josh's paper, Language Model Agents Enable Semi-Formal Programming, coauthored with Arvind Satyanarayan and Daniel, has been accepted and he'll present it at theThe Ninth Workshop on Live Programming (LIVE 2023),...

Fri, 07/21/2023

Our UIST submission describing Riffle has been accepted. Geoffrey will present at UIST in San Francisco in October.

Thu, 07/13/2023

Geoffrey Litt defended his thesis, presenting Riffle, a new paradigm for front-end design. 

Tue, 10/19/2021

Kapaya Katongo presented his work on Joker: A Unified Interaction Model For Web Customization (coauthored with Geoffrey Litt, Kathryn Jin, and Daniel Jackson) at the LIVE 2022 workshop.

Sun, 08/01/2021

Daniel's upcoming book on software design, The Essence of Software, is at the printer! Official publication date is Nov 9, when it will be available on...

Fri, 06/25/2021

Our proposal to the NSF DASS program has been accepted. PIs Daniel Jackson, Daniel Weitzner and Joan Feigenbaum will be developing a new approach to bridge the gap between new legal requirements (such as GDPR) and software designs, using "policy concepts," and idea that builds on Jackson's...

Thu, 05/20/2021

Daniel is giving a lecture in JHU's Assured Autonomy Series about certified control.

Tue, 03/23/2021

Thrilled that Geoffrey Litt has been awarded an NSF Fellowship, joining Josh Pollock who was awarded one last year.

Fri, 10/11/2019

A draft of Daniel's new book "Design by Concept" is available for purchase on Amazon